Chief of Election Commission says role has constitutionally expanded


Published: 2024-08-13 11:22

Last Updated: 2024-08-13 11:28

Chief of Election Commission says role has constitutionally expanded
Chief of Election Commission says role has constitutionally expanded

Musa Maaytah, Chairman of the Independent Election Commission (IEC) of Jordan, said that the Commission's neutrality does not equate to silence, highlighting that its role has ‘constitutionally expanded.’

In a discussion hosted by the Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation Cultural Forum on Monday, titled "The Road to Elections," Maaytah emphasized that advancing political life in Jordan is a collective responsibility requiring the combined efforts of various stakeholders, and cannot be shouldered by the Commission alone.

Maaytah explained that the Commission’s primary role is to ensure the integrity and transparency of the electoral process. However, he stressed that it is not the sole factor in achieving significant political progress.

He also noted that political parties are crucial in providing genuine political representatives and emphasized that this responsibility cannot be fulfilled through electoral bribery or other illegitimate means. The Commission enforces laws against electoral bribery and believes its presence has been exaggerated.

Maaytah underscored that elections are not merely a technical process but a tool for political change, dependent on the ability of parties to offer real programs that meet citizens' aspirations.

Regarding Jordan’s political modernization process, Maaytah pointed out that its success largely depends on how citizens perceive the changes proposed by party programs and their impact on legislative performance.

He stressed the need for tangible differences in proposed programs and the importance of citizens feeling that their votes contribute meaningfully to shaping policies affecting their daily lives.

Maaytah called on all concerned parties, including political parties and civil society organizations, to shoulder their responsibilities and work collaboratively to achieve common goals in advancing political life and ensuring a brighter democratic future for Jordan.